More and more women are no longer sitting on the back of the bike, but instead taking the drivers seat. With new models coming out every year, the manufacturers have realized that they not only have to appeal to the male market, but also have to provide products that appeal to the female market. Three articles, written within a week of each other, show just how strong this market is.
The Post and Courier in Charleston, has an article written by a Wevonneda Minis, she writes about three women who ride for very different reasons.
Check out this link:
The second article comes from USA Today, this article talks about women taking motorcycle-training courses.
Here is the link to the second story:
This trend isn’t only happening in the United States, as you can tell in this third article from The Northern Star, in Lismore, Australia.
Read more at this link:
Not only are the motorcycle manufacturers adding motorcycles to their line-ups to attract the female rider, but also several other companies out there are making helmets, jackets, boots and tons of other gear exclusively for women.