As gas prices continue to rise and the weather turns warmer, more motorcycles and scooters are hitting the roads. Many riders have chosen their motorcycles as their primary mode of transportation in order to save money on gas. Commuting to work, running errands and just enjoying a relaxing ride on a motorcycle on a sunny afternoon reminds us all that we need to be aware of motorcyclists on the road.
Common sense should prevail when thinking of safety on a motorcycle. Riders should pre-inspect their motorcycle before every ride to ensure all the lights (headlights, brake lights, turn signals) are working properly. They should also check the tires and go over the bike for any mechanical issues.
Before heading out on a motorcycle, dressing safely should also be a consideration. A helmet, eye protection, long-sleeves, long pants, boots and gloves should always be worn. It’s also not a bad idea to make sure you are wearing lighter colors or using reflective decals or strips on your clothing or your motorcycle.
Riding impaired or tired is never a good idea, whether in a car or on a motorcycle, but an accident on a motorcycle can be far more devastating when riding under these conditions.
Use good judgment; weaving in and out of traffic, driving to fast, not following traffic signs or being disrespectful to other vehicles on the road shouldn’t be an option.
You should also practice driving on uneven surfaces, sandy or mud covered roads and even in rainy wet surfaces. The practice can come in handy when you come across these conditions in heavy traffic.
Bottom line is, use common sense. Motorcyclists who are driving in their automobiles make an effort to watch out for other bikers, however, car drivers that never road a motorcycle may not be as careful. Make this a safe riding season for everyone.