Honda Shadow Motorcycles – Which Style Is Right For You

Honda makes four different 750cc motorcycles, known as their “Shadow” line-up. A mid-size cruiser with enough power to give riders who travel short or long distances the feel of a large cruiser at an affordable price.

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The four different models all come with fuel-injected, liquid-cooled engines and get an estimated 56-mpg.  Other similarities between the four include the five-speed transmission and easy, trouble free starting. Best of all, they all start at $8240, so price is not an issue, giving the buyer a chance to choose the style that’s right for them without worrying about the difference in price.

1.  Shadow Spirit:  The Spirit is known as the sporty cruiser.  With an exceptionally low seat height, 25.7 inches, the rider is able to sit flat-footed at a red light and sometimes drive with a little more confidence. The Spirit also has a 21-inch spoke wheel in the front, which makes the motorcycle easier to steer because of the lighter feel. You can find the Spirit in either black or candy orange flame. A great choice for someone who is thinking of trading up from a smaller motorcycle.

2.  Shadow Aero:  The Aero is more of a retro style motorcycle.  The Aero comes with full fenders and has a little bit higher seat height at 25.9 inches.  The colors available for the Aero are candy dark red or pearl black with silver.

3.  Shadow Phantom: Just like the name suggests, the Phantom is all black, including the blacked out engine, black rims and even black handlebars with some matte silver accents throughout the motorcycle. The seat height on this bad boy is 25.8 inches.  The phantom also comes with a deep, throaty sounding exhaust, a feature that, besides the look, sets it apart from the other Shadows.

4.  Shadow RS:  The RS has a classic roadster style look and is available in a Candy Blue color.  This shadow comes with higher foot pegs and short, upright handlebars, giving the rider longer riding comfort.  A flat seat and gas tank shaped like a peanut help influence the classic look on the motorcycle.

No matter which Shadow you choose, Honda has a full line of accessories available to personalize any of the models.  Windscreens, backrests, and saddlebags are just a few of the accessories a buyer can purchase and bolt right on their motorcycle.

If it’s a 750cc cruiser style motorcycle you are looking for, make sure to check out the Honda Shadow line-up.