Strider Bikes At Motorcycle Dealerships

Strider bikes make it easy to teach kids how to ride without pedals, how to balance and how to go straight to a two-wheel bicycle without training wheels.  You could find them at toy stores but now Powersports Dealers are carrying them to match the Honda and Yamaha motorcycles they have in their stores.

How cool for a kid to be able to go home with a small Honda, like his dad’s big Honda.

The Strider Bike is a great way for kids to learn coordination along with the opportunity to gain confidence without having to think about putting together the act of pedaling, balancing and braking.

When you grow up with a motorcycle in the family, the more training a child can get, the more confidence they will have when they move from the pedals to the engine.  Even riding an off road motorcycle will be less challenging for a child when they start out at a young age on a Strider Bike.

Another advantage is gearing them up at a young age, just like putting on a seatbelt when you get in a car, they won’t think twice about getting on a motorcycle without helmet when they learn it at age 1 with their Strider.

If you are a parent or grandparent looking to give a small child a gift that they will love, consider a Honda or Yamaha Strider bike and let them learn to respect two wheels at a young age while looking just like mom or dad!