Motorcycle Hazards to Watch For In the Spring

Be Ready To Ride By

As the sun begins to warm the Midwest and melt the snow, motorcycle riders will begin to uncover their bikes and get them ready for that first spring ride.  Bikers need to remember though, motorcycle hazards are everywhere, sometimes those hazards can include their own motorcycle.  Check out your bike thoroughly before you take that first ride – and keep the motorcycle hazards you can’t control in the back of your mind for a long, safe summer of riding.

Top Ten Motorcycle Hazards Bikers Can Control:

  1. Check the tires!  Tire pressure, dry rot, nails, wear and tear
  2. Check the lights!  Turn signals, headlights, brake lights
  3. Fluid Levels!  Oil, Gas, Coolant, Brakes
  4. Check the battery!  Fully charged, Clean connections
  5. Check for Rodent Nests!  Sounds gross, but those critters build their nests in odd places during the winter.
  6. Check the brakes!  Pad Wear, Proper Pedal and Lever Play, Sponginess
  7. Fuel Tank! Cap Securely Locked
  8. Fluid Leaks! Check the ground and the motorcycle.
  9. Nuts and Bolts!  Make sure everything is secure
  10. Correct Gear!  Wear bright colors and a helmet that is DOT or SNELL approved

Top Five Motorcycle Hazards Bikers Can’t Control:

  1. Potholes
  2. Salt and Sand drifts from the plows
  3. Aggressive Drivers
  4. Distracted Drivers
  5. Drivers that haven’t seen motorcycles in 5 months and forgot hot to share the road with them

Drive safe, drive smart, drive sober and have fun!