English: dirtbiking (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you ride dirtbikes, you know how quickly you can wear through those knobby tires, and you know how costly they can be to replace. Not only are you paying for new tires, but you also have to take the time to install them yourself, or pay someone to do it for you.
A great new product has been discovered on the market that is economical and can make dirtbike tires last three to five times longer.
The Knobby Knife is a 100-watt tool with a blade that can heat up to 500 degrees, with a patent-pending blade that should easily cut through rubber. This handy tool can allow riders to sharpen the knobbies on their tires for better grip performance and a longer tire life.
Another cool thing about this tool is the fact that it will work on any brand of tire. It also comes with an oversized, insulated handle for heat protection and better leverage.
Do you own one of these? Or know anybody who bought one? We’d love to hear how it works.